
Telemetry & references for your projects

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Set up a project

By default, the Telemetry app is designed to work along with GLPI; but it is possible to tune it a bit in order to fit other projects.

JSON schema

JSON schema and some mappings can be overrided using the file

In the $config array; there is a project key you can customize. Here is an example for the Galette project:


return $config = [
    'project' => [
        'name'   => 'Galette',
        'url'    => '',
        'enable_contact' => false,
        'schema' => [
            'usage' => [
                'avg_members'        => [
                    'type'      => 'string',
                    'required'  => true
                'avg_contributions'  => [
                    'type'      => 'string',
                    'required'  => true
                'avg_transactions'   => [
                    'type'      => 'string',
                    'required'  => true
        'mapping' => [
            'avg_members'       => 'avg_entities',
            'avg_contributions' => 'avg_computers',
            'avg_transactions'  => 'avg_networkequipments'

What you can see here, is that the project name and URL have been customized. Both those values will be used to generate the JSON schema file we validate against. You can review the generated schema file using

The schema key permit to make changes in the schema itself. For now, you can:

  • disable plugins (if your project do not have plugins),
  • disable or change usage (the average counts).

To disable one of those two properties, just set the key to false ('usage' => false).

If you provide an array into the usage key; its keys will become the properties names in the schema; and you can define their types and if they’re mandatory or not. Refer to the JSON Schema specification if you want to know more.

The actual database was designed using GLPI fields; and names are hardcoded. So, if you change usage keys; you’ll have to provide a mapping beetween your key and the existing one in the databasebase. This is the goal of the mapping entry in the configuration.

When working on schema configuration, make sure to turn debug to true for the application; generated schema would be cached otherwise, and your changes will not be visible :)

Finally, note that the enable_contact set to false will entirely disable the embed contact page.

User Interface

Some elements on the user interface may be tuned too. This currently includes: 1- projects logo, 2- footer links, 3- templates contents.

Parts of the configuration uses the main configuration file (; other rely on the presence of some files in the projects/{project_slug} directory (where {project_slug} is… Your project slug :)).

If you want to display your own logo, just create it as projects/{project_slug}/logo.png. Even if the file extension is PNG, this should work with any image type.

No controls are done on the logo file; the application will just read it from the filesystem if the file exists.


It is not possible yet to customize dashboard on a per configuration basis; but you can disable some featues you do no use. In order to achive that, add a dashboard entry to your project’s configuration array and set to false unused entries.

return $config = [
    'project' => [
        'name'   => 'My Project',
        'dashboard' => [
            'install_modes' => false,
            'references_countries' => false

On the above example, the map with countries from references and the installation modes part will not be shown.

All the dashboard configuration parameters rely on a boolean value, expect php_versions. For this one, you can also set the valueto bar if you just want a bar graph of the PHP versions.

You may want to provide footers links related to your onw project. Use the project/footer_links parameter of the file. Each link can be tuned using several properties. Let’s take an example, see the following configuration:

return $config = [
    'project' => [
        'name'   => 'My Project',
        'footer_links' => [
            'Main website'   => [
                'faclass'   => 'fa fa-globe',
                'url'       => ''
            'Documentation' => [
                'faclass'   => 'fa fa-book',
                'url'       => ''
            'Forums'         => [
                'faclass'   => 'fa fa-comments-o',
                'url'       => ''

This defines 3 different links in the application footer: the main website, project’s documentation and forums. The array key will become the dispayed text in the link. The url parameter is the link itself. Both are mandatory. The faclass parameter is optionnal. When defined, a <i> tag will be prepend to the displayed text using the provided class. Refer to FontAwesome to get the class you want.

Templates contents

Telemetry application relies on Twig to display HTML contents to user. Defaults templates are stored in the app/Templates/default directory.

Each of those files can be overrided per project. Just create you own file under projects/[project_slug}/Templates/{project_slug} directory and it will be used :)

The easiest way to go is to inherit from the original default file; and only override parts you want. An example projects/[project_slug}/Templates/{project_slug}/telemetry.html.twig file should looks like:

{% extends "default/telemetry.html.twig" %}

{% block header %}
{% set header_text = 'Since PROJECT x.y, we collect anonymous
            </a> from instance of voluntary users.'
{{ parent() }}
{% endblock %}

{% block content %}
{% set versionchart_text = '<i class='fa fa-exclamation-circle'></i>
                    we don&apos;t have any data for versions prior to x.y' %}
{{ parent() }}
{% endblock %}

Dynamic references

In the references pages, along with traditionnal informations (company, referent, …); you can add your own related data; such as estimations of main object used by your application. For something like GLPI, we’ll want to know the number of assets and helpdesk entries. For something like Galette, we’ll be interested in number of members…

In order to achieve that; you can add a references key in the config file:

return $config = [
    'project' => [
        'name'   => 'My Project',
        'references' => [
            'num_whatuwant' => [
                'label'         => 'Number of what you want',
                'short_label'   => '#wyw'

This will add a dynamic reference num_whatuwant (will be used in the database) with the long label Number of what you want and the short label #wyw. Doing so implies a table named {project_slug}_references exists. See installation instructions to know how to configure your own migration files.

Dynamic references configuration array can take several arguments:

  • label (string): a “long” label used in the add reference form,
  • short_label (string): a shortest label that will be used in the list display,
  • in_list (boolean): a flag to indicate if the entry must appear in the list, considered as true if missing,
  • type (string): define the type of the input field. Currently, only number (default when missing) and boolean are supported,
  • checked (boolean): used only for boolean types, will make the checkbox checked per default.

Database adaptation

Telemetry informations themselves are mapped from your configuration; there is no need to customize the database, but for references, you may want some adaptations.

First of all, you have to create a phinx_local.php file; and set the path to your migration files (see installation instructions; and then refer to phinx documentation about migrations.

Keep in mind your project’s migrations will be played along with main ones.

Map configuration

Each projet can setup map tiles, based on Leaflet providers plugin. To achieve that, use the dashboard, leaflet key in configuration file. You can define a provider name, and an array of options for those who support or require extra config:

return $config = [
    'project' => [
        'name'   => 'My Project',
        'dashboard' => [
            'leaflet' => [
                'provider'  => 'MapBox',
                'config'    => [
                    'id'            => 'mapbox.light',
                    'accessToken'   => 'YOUR TOKEN'